Monday, August 25, 2014

Letting Go of the Past

Letting go is the process of releasing people, situations, thoughts, habits and patterns that no longer serve us and cause us pain. Letting go means surrendering our ego and self-will and trusting that our highest good and greatest joy will be given to us.  Many of us tend to want to remain in control and refuse to let go even when we know it is in our best interests to.  Letting go is realizing that even when we really want something to occur in our lives, that sometimes it isn’t the right time and trusting that if it's God's will, then it will come to us in His time and His way.  His plans are better than our plans and His ways are higher than our ways.  (I will be using the word “God” from now on for consistency).  Know that timing is perfect.  Something so wonderful, so incredible, beyond our wildest dreams is in store for us.  We have to BELIEVE it in order for it to happen.  The key is getting out of our own way and making space for something bigger and better to happen.  We are the only one limiting our good.  Get out of the way and stop trying so hard to control everything.  LET GO, SURRENDER!

Many of us need to let go of negative past belief systems that are controlling our lives today. Some of our belief systems that we formed at a young age are faulty and don’t work to our benefit, but we cling to these beliefs because, although they don’t work for us, they are familiar. We may find ourselves in situations that repeatedly lead to unhappiness and frustration.  We don’t realize that there is something better and different available to us because we are blinded by our current reality.  As long as we remain stuck in these patterns, we don’t have to change. Change can be scary.  When the pain of staying the same is greater than that of change and growth, we make a change.  We don't need to wait until life gets so painful to change. This may include releasing drama and stress from our lives by changing jobs, friendships, moving to a new place.  All of this suffering can be avoided if we let go on a daily basis to the will of God and take the necessary actions, He guides us to take.    
The first step in letting go is becoming aware that some aspect of our lives is not working. Once this is acknowledged, we can take some time to just observe whatever feelings, thoughts, body sensations arise. As we are present in the moment, we can see the issue more clearly in order to know what to do next.

Next, we need to decide if we are ready to release whatever it is. Until we are really open to change, nothing will budge. Letting go is up to us.  It is an action.  Letting go doesn't mean defeat.  It is an act of courage and strength to admit some aspect of our lives isn't working.  Once this is acknowledged, the next thing is finding new ways of being. This step may take some time. We usually need to try new things and fail at times to see what truly works and what doesn't.  Starting individual therapy, reading books, meditation, prayer, acupuncture, etc. are excellent ways to find answers.  Once you realize what the negative belief is, replace it with more self-affirming one.  Consciously practice this new belief when the old one creeps in because it will until the new belief take hold.  Once practiced over and over, the new one will become second nature.  As we heal ourselves, we break old patterns and find new, more effective ways of living. This is the path of letting go. When we release what no longer works, we are making room for something amazing to occur. 

Letting go is a continuous process. We may surrender something only to latch back onto it.  It's important to remain present in the moment and continuously monitor ourselves. When we fear letting go, we don’t trust in God to provide the best for us.  Trust and faith are a necessary part of letting go.  Breathe through the fear and discomfort of new situations and ways of being.  Letting go, and releasing that which doesn’t serve us is a process that takes time, gentleness, flexibility and forgiveness.  May you walk gently on your path with God beside you every minute of every day and be guided to a life of greatness.  Don’t live another day in suffering and pain.  It’s a simple choice you can make.  Let go and let God!

Affirmation – I am letting go and releasing people, situations, thoughts, habits and patterns that no longer serve me.  I am open and receptive to all the good that my Higher Power has in store for me.  I live joyously, with love, peace, and prosperity always.

P.S. If you know someone who would like to learn more about letting go of what isn’t working and allowing in what will, please have them contact me.

Peace and Blessings,


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